March 21 2009
Aikaido test videos
movie 008 class warm up, roll away from camera
movie 009 class warmup, roll toward the camera
movie 010 class warmup, roll backwards away from the camera
movie 013 class warmup, fall toward the camera
movie 026 test of small boy
movie 044 girl and young man spar
movie 045 girl and master spar
movie 046 girl and Rick spar
movie 052 Rebecca and short, yelling guy spar
movie 054 Rebecca and Evelina spar
movie 056 Rebecca and master dad spar
movie 057 Rebecca and sword
movie 058 Rebecca and sword 2
movie 059 Rebeccca and short, yelling guy spar
movie 060 Rebeccca and Rick spar
movie 080 swordplay
movie 082 folding black pants